Straight outta storage and straight into your living room! The first 24 strips of Fuzzy Knights are collected in this 80 page book, and includes a bonus strip and a behind-the-scenes peek at the origins of the comic!
Although the online version of the comic displayed as a single long strip, when I’m first laying it out, it’s always as an 8″x10″ page, like this:
A lot of the time this is a pretty straightforward process, but starting with a page layout gives me a chance to make some images bigger or wider as I see fit. And it also made it that much easier to turn into a book once I had enough strips ready.
And guess what? I already have enough for a second volume, and am well on my way to a third! So it won’t be long before you see Fuzzy Knights: Space Opera Blues, and sometime next year, Fuzzy Knights: The Tournament War!
Unlike my other books, I’ve chosen to only have this available in print, and only on Amazon. It was really the only way to get this comic out in an affordable way.
Hope you enjoy it!