It’s Been A While…

I haven’t posted a blog in some time, but that wasn’t exactly by choice.

You see, my phone broke before the holidays, and it’s been in limbo getting fixed ever since. It’s not exactly an expensive phone. In fact, it will cost about as much to fix it as it will to replace. However, I try to reduce e-waste.

But that wasn’t the only reason. You see, my phone has all my 2 Factor Authentication apps on it. And without them, I was unable to access my website or newsletter!

At first, I had to wait until I got back home after the holidays to get it fixed (I was on the Sunshine Coast and they didn’t have a repair place there).

Then, when I did send it in for repairs, I heard nothing from them for days. I kept thinking, “Oh, it’ll just be another day or two.” Then I pestered them and found out that they were having delivery issues with Samsung that were only recently sorted out.

I kept thinking “just another day, just another day,” and all the while I’d been on radio silence as far as blogging and newsletters go.

I still don’t have the phone back.

“Wait, if you don’t have my phone back, how are you writing this?”

Glad you asked! I found out MUCH later that because my Samsung Tablet is linked to my Samsung Phone, I could access the 2FA apps because it could verify my identity. So, yeah… wish I had known THAT sooner….

But it was a blessing in disguise, really. January has been a REALLY busy month, and it’s only starting to let up.

Let’s see… what’s been going on? Well, first off, the first comic collection for Fuzzy Knights is now in print on Amazon.

Fuzzy Knights: Straight Outta Storage collects the first couple dozen comics (which I tweaked a bit from their initial run online, mostly shifting mouths and shortening balloon tails whenever possible), throws in a bonus strip, and gives a bit a background on the REAL Mossfoot’s origins.

Next up, in the world of writing, the Get Lost Saga is now officially a trilogy!

Lost Lives takes the events of Lost Souls and Lost Cargo and puts them on a collision course. And once again the hapless trader and freelancer, Maurice “Moss” Foote, is caught in the middle.

Lost Lives will be released on January 30th in both ebook and print formats. It provides a satisfying conclusion to this trilogy, but it is far from the end of the series. There is still more to come. The Protectorate is a big place, after all, and we’ve only covered a tiny portion of it!

For those who haven’t checked out the Get Lost Saga before, now’s a great time to start. I’ve decided to make Lost Souls only $0.99 permanently, and Lost Cargo will be only $2.99 from now on.

But maybe you prefer audiobooks? I know I listen to them fairly regularly. At least half of the books I get are audiobooks. So I decided to take a stab at it as well!

I can’t really afford a proper voice actor, and am not famous enough (yet) to think anyone would be interested in a profit-share, so I decided to take a stab at it myself. Trust me, I would NOT have done this if I thought you were in any danger of a Zombie Shakespeare recital. I’ve been assured that I’m more than qualified for this, and not just by my grandma! It’ll be available on Audible on January 30th, at the same time as Lost Lives.

“Why are all these things on Jan 30th? I mean, there are 31 days in January…”

Glad you asked! January 30th is my birthday, and I released the Lost Souls two years ago on the same day. Seemed fitting. I mean, we need SOMETHING to celebrate besides basic survival once we’re in our fifties, am I right?

Well, before I sign off, I just wanted to share this amazing artwork for the cover of Lost Lives with you again. My cover artist really knows her stuff!

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