It’s been two years since I took up cartooning on the side and revived my Fuzzy Knights comic. I do it because I enjoy it, but also it gives me a chance to have a steady flow of content for those who enjoy my sense of humour.
When I started converting Fuzzy Knights from a photo comic to a drawn comic, I needed to have a consistent idea of what the main characters looked like, building up on what I was learning on the various online courses I was taking. Starting with basic shapes and building from that, trying to get the look consistent from all angles.
Over time, however, the character models changed. They got a bit simpler in some ways, a bit more nuance in others, and, hopefully, a bit more consistent.
Recently, I went back to those original pencil sketches and tweaked them based on how I do the characters now.
So here’s a look at how things started, and now there’re going.

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