Every so often I like to ask other science fiction writers to talk about their projects. It gives us a chance to see how we approach the genres we love, how they differ, and how they might be the same. This week, we have a look at a Canadian SF author, Arlene Marks.
Arlene F. Marks currently has three very different series of speculative fiction novels out there. Her space opera with a political thriller spin, the Sic Transit Terra series; the Nash’terel books, which mashes urban fantasy with science fiction and horror; and a series of cozy mysteries that weaves in paranormal elements, set in the Georgian Bay area where she currently resides.
Q: Speculative fiction author is just the latest of the various hats you’ve worn in your life. What else have you done?
A: It’s true that I’ve had a number of jobs, but I’ve only ever had two careers, and I’ve been fortunate enough to engage in them simultaneously: teaching and writing. I began teaching in 1970, and I started getting paid for my writing and editing in 1976. For decades after that, I switched back and forth between these two passions, working full-time at one and part-time at the other. For a while, I was also an indie publisher. When I officially retired from the classroom in 2012, I dived into writing full-time. I still conduct occasional writing workshops, but there won’t be any more flip-flopping at this point in my life. I aim to produce two novels per year, and with luck I’ll be able to keep up that pace right to the end.
Q: So, about Sic Transit Terra. I see you summarized it as “Dynasty meets Star Trek with a side helping of 24“. Where did you get the idea for that series?
A: It actually began with a question – Why does it take us Humans so long to grow up and realize what’s really important? – and progressed from there to “What if it’s because…?” With an answer in hand, I began writing a mystery set in the future. I intended to let the truth about (and the impact of) ancient events be revealed gradually over the course of the narrative. Then the characters I’d created took over and made all of that the background to an unfolding tale of political intrigue and upheaval surrounding the members of a powerful family.
Q: There are six books in the first story arc. Do you plan to continue the series?
A: Yes. Sic Transit Terra is now completed and the next phase, Sic Transit Stragon, is about to begin. The first installment, The Stragori Deception, will be coming out from Brain Lag later this year. This novel picks up where The Identity Shift left off, with the rescue of ten Terran agents from a Stragon on the brink of civil war. However, the focus remains on that world as Dennis Forrand continues working against the radical elements threatening to bring down his family along with the planetary government. Readers will get reacquainted with characters from the previous arc as well as meeting new ones, and as always with my books, each novel can be enjoyed as a stand-alone and will contain plenty of plot twists, suspense, and humour.
Q: What do you enjoy most about writing SF, and what’s the most difficult thing about it?
A: I love creating interesting characters and watching what they do when weird stuff happens to them – and by definition, a lot of weird stuff happens in this genre. Also, the more humour I can inject into a story, the more fun it is for me to write.
I tend to hyperfocus when I’m writing or editing, so the most difficult thing for me, regardless of the genre, has always been knowing when to stop working on a story and pronounce it done.
Q: Will you be opening up any of the universes you’ve created to other authors?
A: Tough question. Anything is possible. However, all I can say for now is that each universe contains far more stories than I’ll be able to write during my lifetime. It’s like a painting by Pieter Brueghel, containing a multitude of characters, all unique, all busy doing things, and each the protagonist of their own narrative. I’ll write as many of them as I can. And I hope that when I’m forced to stop, there will be at least one other author ready to step up and continue studying the canvas.
Q: Earlier this spring, the second Nash’terel novel came out, The Bloodstone. I understand that this series is loosely based on your own family’s experiences as newcomers to Canada. How so?
A: I’m second generation Canadian, so I grew up hearing a lot of stories from my parents about what it was like being part of an immigrant community. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that some problems and situations are the same for all newcomers to North America, no matter where their families originated. For example, there’s going to be conflict between the older generation who cling to traditional ways and the youngsters born into the new culture who assimilate quickly and want to explore it. Whatever drove them to leave the old country (including entrenched enmities and vendettas) will inevitably follow them to the new one, complicating their lives here. They’re going to run into discrimination from more established residents who don’t understand them (or don’t want to understand them) and this will cause them to “clump together” for safety. The Nash’terel may be shapeshifting essence vampires from another planet, but in many respects they’re no different from any other New Canadians.
Q: One notable aspect of your writing is how many of your recent stories are set in Ontario. The Bloodstone also takes place in BC, but the first Nash’terel book, The Earthborn, is mostly centered on Central Ontario. Weekends Can Be Murder takes place on an island in Georgian Bay, and Adventures in Godhood is set in Toronto. Is this a taste of things to come?
A: Probably. I’m Toronto-born-and-raised, and it’s no secret that I love the area around Georgian Bay. Just as Stephen Leacock had his little town of Mariposa, I’ve got my little town as well now. I’m calling it Groverton, and have already written the next paranormal mystery novel starring its inhabitants. Meanwhile, the Nash’terel and their fellow refugees from the old world have set up housekeeping in towns and cities all across Canada, as well as in other countries—they travelled a lot when they first arrived on Earth, but the families have pretty much settled down by now—and all I can tell you without spoilers is that readers will continue to follow the adventures of Travis and his friends and family in future installments in that series.
Q: You seem to enjoy mashing things together. In The Bloodstone, we have vampires, teenaged angst, family and professional squabbles, and hockey, in a story that’s somewhere between urban fantasy and science fiction. Is this a deliberate part of your creative process?
A: Quite early in my writing career I made the conscious choice to write the story that demanded to be told, whatever it was and wherever the characters took it, and to let the publisher decide (assuming I was fortunate enough to get one) how to classify it. This has resulted in some very interesting mashups. Fortunately, I have the kind of mind that loves a good juxtaposition and enjoys knitting multiple plot threads together. Over the years, it’s become ingrained in my subconscious to approach storytelling this way, making it my default M.O.
Q: The Bloodstone has been getting great reviews and we wish you every success with it. How can readers find copies of your various books?
A: Thank you! My books are all available in print and digital formats, anywhere books are sold—on Amazon, from local bookstores, and directly from the publishers: Edge Publishing (Calgary AB) and Brain Lag Books (Milton ON). They can also be found or requested at any public library.
Q: And if readers want to contact you or find out more?
A: I have a website with an email link, www.thewritersnest.ca, and I post on Facebook as Arlene Marks, Arlene F. Marks, and The Sic Transit Terra Universe. I also try to attend one or two in-person conferences per year. In August 2024 I’ll be at When Words Collide in Calgary AB. I’m also working on putting together a local event in Collingwood ON for late October. Fingers crossed!
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