My Home Theater: Humble Beginnings

I’ve always wanted my own home theater, but that doesn’t mean I intended to break the bank on it.  I’m a man of modest means and therefore modest ambitions.  So after getting a good TV and speaker set, I decided to indulge and get one thing I’ve wanted since I was a little kid – a theater style popcorn maker!

So this post goes all the way back to 2011, when we first moved back to Canada from England (where we spent five years.

I’ve always wanted my own home theater, but I have no intention of ever breaking the bank on it. I’m a man of modest means, and therefore modest ambitions. So, after getting a good TV and speaker set, I decided to indulge and get one thing I’ve wanted since I was a little kid—a theater style popcorn maker!

Now that I got this, the only thing missing now is a mini fridge with a clear front capable of holding 4-6 small bottles of pop that we can refill using big 2 liter bottles (an actual soda fountain is too expensive and complicated). And perhaps a small metal stand to hang bags of M&Ms or other treats. This is about entertaining guests, after all!

Since then, we’ve moved into a place we own rather than rent, and that gave me the freedom to REALLY expand the home theater concept on an affordable budget. I’ll get into revisiting those stages later, but for now, enjoy these extremely humble origins.

This was also around the time I got my first iPhone (a gift from friends, who had upgraded to the latest and greatest) and had got hooked onto a photo app called the Hipstamatic. That’s why these pictures look so retro.

While this setup is very simple, it was still fun to have. And it only gets bigger and better from here, so stay tuned for updates!

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