
Right now, until February 8th, Lost Souls is FREE at all major online retailers! Time to Get Lost... in a great adventure!

Lost Lives is Now on Sale!

Noah Chinn, writes genre fiction such as fantasy and science fiction, including the Sci-Fi Adventure series, the Get Lost Saga, which includes Lost Souls, Lost Cargo, and Lost Lives. Also, the paranormal romantic comedy A G**damned Love Story and the mind-twisting Trooper #4, about a woman who wakes up in a motel at the end of the world—and things only get stranger from there.

He also does a fun little webcomic on the side, Fuzzy Knights, and has just released his first collection in print!

Noah J.D. Chinn, on the other hand, is an author of contemporary fiction and retro mysteries. His current mysteries are his 1980's era cozy mysteries Getting Rid of Gary and The Plutus Paradox, as well as the travel-themed comedy romance, The Professional Tourist, set in Tokyo in 2002. His latest novel is Last Dance at the Kitten Club, being released in November.

To combat the hordes of internet algorithms and publication pigeon-holing, he had to split himself into two separate people. They flipped a coin to see who would get the "J.D." added to their name. Both have it on good authority to be moderately amusing fellows, with a colourful history and increasingly confusing present.

As a published cartoonist and writer, Noah's work has appeared in distinguished publications, including Amazing Stories, Knights of the Dinner Table magazine, and Canada’s Globe & Mail.

Though he spends entirely too much time hunched in front of a keyboard, Noah does enjoy having an adventure now and then. He’s biked across several countries and even climbs the odd mountain. He recommends the view from Mt. Fuji—if you have a pair of warm gloves and an oxygen tank.

Noah currently lives in Vancouver, Canada with his wife Gillian and their ferret, Fia Ferretsworth. As an honest-to-goodness nerd, Noah enjoys video games, photography, roleplaying, and travel. This website was created to offer a little insight into the man himself—and shamelessly peddle his wares.

He has yet to be accused of literature, but looks forward to the possibility someday.

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